Operating Basics
AD007 User Manua l
Adapter Information
Adapter Informa tion displays the following general information
about the AD007 adapter you are current ly accessing.
H Host name
H IP address
H Ethernet address
H Firmware revi sion number and last update
H BootROM revision number and last update
H Time (if the time server is configured)
Adapter Password
Adapter Password prevents unauthoriz ed changes to the adapter and
allows a firmware upgrade to proceed. By default, both the user
name an d password are set to ad007 (lowercase a, lowercase d, zero,
zero, 7). To re set the pa ssword to the default setting, see Resetting
the Adapter on page 48.
To set a new password, do these steps:
1. Enter the old password.
2. Enter the new password twice, once in each box provided.
3. Click Submit.
Reboot Adapter
To re boot the a dapter remotely and perform all power up functions,
click on Reboot.