; Display prompt "Press F2 to enter SETUP"
04BH quiet Boot Start, OPTIONAL, FAR
04EH post Copyright Display, FAR
050H cpu Display, FAR
051H eisa Init, OPTIONAL
05AH post Display F2 Message, FAR
; Disable the CPU cache
; Size and test the system memory
; Size and test the extended memory
; Test extended memory address lines
; User hook # 1
05BH cpu Cache Off
05CH post Memory Test, FAR
060H post Extended Memory Test, FAR
062H post Extended Address Test, FAR
064H user Patch1
; Enable and configure the cache
; Display the cache size if a cache was detected and enabled.
; Display size of shadow RAM, size of non-disposable BIOS
066H cache Adv Config
068H cache Configure
06AH post Display Cache Size, FAR
06CH post Display Shadows, FAR
06EH post Display Non Disposable, FAR
; Display any POST errors
; Check for configuration errors
; Test Real Time Clock
; Check for keyboard errors
070H post Display Error Messages, FAR
072H post Test Config, FAR
074H post RTC Test, FAR
; Set up hardware interrupt vectors
; Test coprocessor if present
; Return to standard real mode
07CH post Setup Hardware Vectors, FAR
07EH cpu Coprocessor Test, FAR
096H post Clear Huge ES
; Disable programmable I/O devices
; Detect and install fixed RS232 ports
; Detect and install fixed parallel ports
; Init PC-compatible PNP & PCI devices (COM, LPT, floppy, etc.)
; Re-enable programmable I/O and check for conflicts with fixed I/O
post Shutdown Eight Table LABEL post Proc