Guidelines for Installing Applications
Factory Default AUTOEXEC.BAT File
Line Purpose
1 turns off echoing (displaying) of commands on screen
2 tells MS-DOS to display the current drive and directory
3 defines the directories and order in which to search for files entered on
the command line; you can add additional directories to this line as
4 set environment variable-some programs use for temporary files
5 tells MS-DOS where to find the command processor
6 tells Laptop Manager in which directory to find its data file; this line is
required by Laptop Manager
7, 8, 9 comment block describing the palette control program
10 deleting the REM enables RPAL, a color palette control program, to
13 determines whether computer on ac or battery power and turns
14 on command that verifies files are correctly written to disk
17 turns off modem if installed
18, 19, comment block describing the Laptop Manager (LM) program
22 deleting the REM enables Laptop Manager to install
23 loads Windows to run in 386 enhanced mode and displays its Program
Manager and Main menu
Installing and Using Application Programs 5-5