Toshiba TE2000 Laptop User Manual

Appendix C
Nn Error control mode selection
This command determines the type of error control used by the modem
when sending or receiving data.
\N0 Buffer mode. No error control.
\N1 Direct mode.
\N2 MNP or disconnect mode. The modem attempts to connect
using MNP2-4 error control procedures. If this fails, the
modem disconnects.
This is also known as MNP reliable mode.
\N3 V.42, MNP, or buffered (default).
The modem attempts to connect in V.42 error control mode.
If this fails, it attempts to connect in MNP mode. If this fails,
it connects in buffer mode and continues operation. This is
also known as V.42/MNP auto reliable mode (same as &Q5).
\N4 V.42 or disconnect. The modem attempts to connect in V.42
error control mode. If this fails, the modem disconnects.
\N5 V.42. MNP or buffered (same as \N3).
\N7 V.42. MNP or buffered (same as \N3).
Result Codes:
OK n=0,1,2,3,4,5,7
ERROR Otherwise
\Qn Local flow control selection
\Q0 Disable flow control.
\Q1 XON/XOFF software flow control.
\Q3 CTS/RTS to DTE (default).
Result Codes:
OK n=0,1,3
ERROR Otherwise