Note: The scanner’s frequency coverage is not continuous and does not include
the cellular telephone or UHF TV bands.
Feature Highlights
Close Call™ RF Capture Technology — Instantly detects and tunes to nearby
transmissions with no additional programming. See “Using the Close Call Feature”
on Page 101 for more information.
Close Call Do-Not-Disturb — Checks for Close Call activity in between channel
reception so active channels are not interrupted.
Close Call Temporary Store — Temporarily stores and scans the last 10 Close
Call hits so that you can continue to monitor activity on those frequencies, even
after you are out of Close Call detection range.
Dynamically Allocated Channel Memory — Your scanner’s 6,000 channels are
organized so that it more closely matches how radio systems actually work,
making it easier to program and use your scanner and determine how much
memory you have used and how much you have left.
Preprogrammed Systems — Your scanner is preprogrammed with over 500
agencies covering police, fire, and ambulance operations in the 25 most populated
counties in the US, plus the most popular digital systems. A list of the scanner’s
preprogrammed systems is on Page 140.
100 Quick Keys — You can set the scanner so you can quickly select systems
and groups by using the keypad. This makes it easy to listen to or quickly lock out
those systems or groups you don’t want to scan.
13 Service Searches — Frequencies are preset in separate Public Safety, News,
HAM Radio, Marine, Railroad, Air, CB Radio, FRS/GMRS, Racing, TV Broadcast,
FM Broadcast, Military, Air, and Special searches, to make it easy to search for
specific transmissions.
“Soft” Search Keys — Lets you quickly search specified ranges.
806.0000 823.9875 NFM 12.5
849.0125 868.9875 NFM 12.5
894.0125 956.0000 NFM 12.5
1240.0000 1300.0000 NFM 25.0
Frequency (MHz)
Lower Edge Upper Edge Modulation Step (kHz)