Summaries and Tables B-19
Register Default Function
S15 0 Bit-mapped register. To set the register,
see the instructions for S13.
Bit Value Result
0 1 Disable the modem's extra
high-frequency equalization if
it causes problems on shorter-
link callsHST-modems only
1 2 Disable online fallback
2 4 Disable 450 bps back channel
HST only
3 8 Reset non-ARQ mode
Transmit buffer from 1.5K
bytes to 128
4 16 Disable MNP Level 4; retrans-
mitting the larger Level 4 data
blocks may be a problem if you
expect a great number of
errors during a call
5 32 Set backspace key to delete
6 64 Some earlier 2400 bps MNP
modems, not made by U.S.
Robotics or Microcom, were
not fully compatible with the
MNP protocol. If you have
difficulty making a successful
2400 bps MNP connection with
a remote MNP modem, it may
be because of this incompati-
bility. Set S15 to 64 and try
again to make the connection.
7 128 Custom applications only
The default 1.5K byte non-ARQ buffer allows data transfer
with X- and Ymodem-type file transfer protocols without using
flow control.
The 128-byte option allows remote users with slower modems
to stop data you're transmitting from scrolling off their screens.
When remote users send your computer an XOFF (<Ctrl-S>)
and you stop transmitting, the data in transit from your
modem's buffer doesn't exceed the size of their screen.