Watlow Electric EZ-ZONE PM Network Card User Manual

Watlow EZ-ZONE
PM Integrated Controller 35 Chapter 6 Setup Page
Parameter Name
Range Default Appears If
[ P.EL]
Input (1 or 2)
Process Error Low
If the process value drops below this value,
it will trigger an input error.
-100.0 to 1,000.0 0.0 Sensor Type is set to Mil-
livolts, Volts, Milliamps
or Potentiometer 1 kΩ,
and Error Enable is set
to Low.
[ FiL]
Input (1 or 2)
Filter Time
Filtering smooths out the process signal to
both the display and the input. Increase
the time to increase filtering.
0.0 to 60.0 seconds 0.5 always
[ i.Er]
Input (1 or 2)
Error Latching
Turn input error latching on or off. If
latching is on errors must be manually
[`off] Off
[``on] On
Off always
[ dEC]
Input (1 or 2)
Set the precision of the displayed value.
[```0] Whole
[``0;0] Tenths
[`0;00] Hundredths
[0;000] Thousandths
Whole always
[ S.bA]
Input 1
Sensor Backup Enable
If the input 1 sensor fails, the controller
will use the input 2 sensor.
[`oFF] Off
[``on] On
Off PM6 _ _ _ _-_ L _ _ A A A.
[`dio] [```5] [```6]
[`Set] [`dio] [`dio]
Digital Input/ Digital Input or Digital Input or
Output Menu Output 5 Output 6 (menu appears if PM6 _ [2 or 4] _ _-_ _ _ _ A _ _)
[ dir]
Digital Input/Output (5 or 6)
Set the function to an input or output.
[OtPt] Output
[``in] Input Voltage
[iCon] Input Dry Contact
Output always
[ Fn]
Digital Output (5 or 6)
Select what function will drive this output.
[`oFF] Off
[CooL] Cool
[hEAt] Heat
[ALM] Alarm
[`Ent] Event
Off Direction is set to Out-
[ o.Ct]
Digital Output (5 or 6)
Set the output control type. This param-
eter is only used with PID control, but can
be set anytime.
[`Ftb] Fixed Time Base
[`utb] Variable Time Base
Fixed Time
Direction is set to Out-
[ o.tb]
Digital Output (5 or 6)
Time Base
Set the time base for fixed-time-base con-
0.1 to 60.0 seconds (solid-
state relay or switched dc)
5.0 to 60.0 seconds (mechani-
cal relay or no-arc power
0.1 sec. [SSR &
sw dc]
20.0 sec.
[mech, relay,
Control is set to Fixed
Time Base.
[ o.Lo]
Digital Output (5 or 6)
Low Power Scale
The power output will never be less than
the value specified and will represent the
value at which output scaling begins.
0.0 to 100.0% 0.0% Direction is set to Output
and Source is set to
Heat or Cool.
[ o.hi]
Digital Output (5 or 6)
High Power Scale
The power output will never be greater
than the value specified and will represent
the value at which output scaling stops.
0.0 to 100.0% 100.0% Direction is set to Output
and Source is set to
Heat or Cool.
[ Fi]
Digital Output (5 or 6)
Function Instance
Select which source instance will drive the
1 to 4 None Direction is set to Out-
put, and there is more
than one instance of the
Function selection.
Note: Some values will be rounded off to fit in the four-character display. Full values can be read with other interfaces.
If there is only one instance of a menu, no submenus will appear.