Watlow EZ-ZONE
PM Integrated Controller • 40 • Chapter 6 Setup Page
Parameter Name
Range Default Appears If
[ Fn]
Output (1 to 4)
Select what function will drive this output.
[`oFF] Off
[hEAt] Heat
[CooL] Cool
[ALM] Alarm
[`Ent] Event
[LiM] Limit (outputs 3 & 4)
Off (outputs 3
& 4)
a time-proportioned out-
put (solid-state relay,
switched dc or mechani-
cal relay)
[ Fi]
Output (1 to 4)
Function Instance
Select which source instance will drive the
1 to 4 1 a time-proportioned out-
put (solid-state relay,
switched dc or mechani-
cal relay), and there is
more than one instance
of the Function selec-
[ o.Ct]
Output (1 to 4)
Set the output control type. This param-
eter is only used with PID control, but can
be set anytime.
[`Ftb] Fixed Time Base
[`utb] Variable Time Base
Fixed Time
a time-proportioned out-
put (solid-state relay,
switched dc or mechani-
cal relay).
If output 1 is a universal
process output, output
2 cannot function as
a variable-time-base
output. If output 3 is
a universal process
output, output 4 cannot
function as a variable-
time-base output.
[ o.tb]
Output (1 to 4)
Time Base
Set the time base for fixed-time-base con-
0.1 to 60.0 seconds (solid-
state relay or switched dc)
5.0 to 60.0 seconds (mechani-
cal relay or no-arc power
0.1 sec. [SSR &
sw dc]
20.0 sec.
[mech, relay,
a time-proportioned
output (solid-state
relay, switched dc or
mechanical relay) and
Control is set to Fixed
Time Base.
[ o.Lo]
Output (1 to 4)
Low Power Scale
The power output will never be less than
the value specified and will represent the
value at which output scaling begins.
0.0 to 100.0% 0.0% a time-proportioned out-
put (solid-state relay,
switched dc or mechani-
cal relay) and Source is
set to Heat or Cool.
[ o.hi]
Output (1 to 4)
High Power Scale
The power output will never be greater
than the value specified and will represent
the value at which output scaling stops.
0.0 to 100.0% 100.0% a time-proportioned out-
put (solid-state relay,
switched dc or mechani-
cal relay) and Source is
set to Heat or Cool.
[Alm] [```1] [```2] [```3] [```4]
[`Set] [Alm] [Alm] [Alm] [Alm]
Alarm Menu Alarm 1 Alarm 2 Alarm 3 Alarm 4
[ A.ty]
Alarm (1 to 4)
Select how the alarm will or will not track
the set point.
[`oFF] Off
[PR;AL] Process Alarm
[dE;AL] Deviation Alarm
Off always
[ Sr.A]
Alarm (1 to 4)
Select what will trigger this alarm.
[``Ai] Analog Input
[PWr] Power (process only)
[CUrr] Current (process only)
Analog Input always
[ iS.A]
Alarm (1 to 4)
Source Instance
If Alarm Source is set to input, select
which input to use.
1 or 2 1 there is more than one
instance of the Source
Note: Some values will be rounded off to fit in the four-character display. Full values can be read with other interfaces.
If there is only one instance of a menu, no submenus will appear.