
5.2. Communicating with the PLS-345
In order to configure the unit or invoke command functions, you
must first connect to the PLS-345 and access the command mode.
1. Start your communications program (e.g. Hyperterminal.)
Make certain that the PLS and your communications
program are set for the same parameters (e.g. COM port,
baud rate, etc.)
2. Access the Command Mode:
a) Local Access (Console Port): To access the command
mode from a local PC connected directly to the PLS
via the Console Port, press [Enter].
i. If you have already hit other keys, press [Enter]
twice. There must be no other characters
preceding [Enter].
ii. If the System Password has been defined, the
password prompt will be displayed. Key in your
System Password or User Password and press
[Enter]. The PLS-345 will display the Status
Screen (Figure 5.1), followed by the "PLS>"
command prompt.
Note: In order to change PLS configuration
parameters, the unit must be operating in System
b) Modem Access: To access the command mode via
modem, proceed as follows (Note that an external
modem must be installed at the PLS Modem Port):
i. Dial the number for the external modem connected
to the PLS Modem Port.
ii. If you have already defined the System Password,
a prompt will be displayed. Key in your System
Password or User Password and press [Enter].If
the System Password has not been defined, then
just press [Enter]. The PLS will display the
Status Screen (Figure 5.1), followed by the "PLS"
command prompt.
PLS-345 - Physical Layer Switch; User's Guide