VI PDF Originator User’s Guide
VIPO-14 FreeFlow Variable Information Suite 5.0 (7/2006)
Job creation area
Contains the fields necessary to select and configure a job for submission. See “Job
creation area field descriptions” for a description of each of the fields.
VIPO job status area
Provides the status of each job submitted, including the number of pages distilled and/or
split, and the number of files split.
When a job submission has been successfully completed, the PDF documents generated
can be found and viewed using Acrobat Reader by selecting the job folder entry in the
Job Status list and double-clicking to invoke a File Selection dialog. If Acrobat Reader is
not present or the file cannot be opened, an error message will be displayed.
Function buttons
These buttons appear at the bottom of the VIPO Job Submission Client window:
• View Current Session Jobs/View All Pending Jobs/View All Jobs — Choose to view:
— Current session jobs that are submitted only within the current session
— All pending jobs from the currently selected user's folder that have not yet been
processed and completed, or whose Cancel requests have not yet been
acknowledged by the Server, whether the jobs were submitted before or after
the current session began
— All jobs from the currently selected user's folder, whether they were submitted
before or after the current session began
• Cancel Selected Job — Click this button to cancel your job during processing.
Select your job in the VIPO job status area before clicking this button. Depending on
the job processing status at the time of cancellation, the job may run to completion
before the cancellation request is initiated by VIPO.
Multiple jobs can be selected and a request to cancel them as a group can be
submitted. By default, you can cancel only the jobs from your own folders and from
the folders of the “default_user.” Use one of these valid settings in the VIPO
Configuration file (xvtp.ini) to change the default:
— ## User may cancel jobs ONLY from his own folders ##
— ## User may also cancel jobs from the folders of “default_user” ##
— ## User may also cancel jobs from any other users' folders ##
Acrobat Reader is not supplied with VIPO. It can be obtained from the
Adobe website at www.adobe.com.