VI PDF Originator User’s Guide
VIPO-16 FreeFlow Variable Information Suite 5.0 (7/2006)
the current VIPO user (as selected in the Job Submission Client dialog). However, you
may browse any other directories on the VIPO Client system for loading or saving profiles,
including the virtual printers profile directory located in the VIPO<server_root>/Profiles
For more information, see “Profile files.”
Job Type
Select one of these job types:
• Distill Only
• Distill and Split into Pages — Requires that bookmarks be present in the VIPP job
(via the BOOKMARK command). If bookmarks are not present in the VIPP job, the
job will be processed successfully, however, no splitting will occur.
• Split into Pages Only — PDF files that must contain one or more bookmark.
User Name
Enter the user name. This will most often be the logon name of the current user
(default_user is used by lpr and is not normally used from within the Job Submission
Job Server
Select either local (Server is installed on your local workstation and is using your
workstation's CPU and disk resources) or remote (use a network VIPO Server's CPU and
disk resources).
Output Folder
Select the destination folder for the job. These are “named” folders, meaning that you do
not browse for a path on your disk(s), but choose from named directories that you or an
administrator already created in a special pre-designated location under control of the
VIPO Server.
Printer Action
Conditional action of optional job printing is selected. Select one of these options:
• print_always — Sends the job to the selected printer no matter what the outcome
of the VIPO job submission.
• print_if_job_completes — Sends the job to the selected printer only if it
successfully completes to VIPO.
Printer for VIPP Job Output
Specify the printer for printing the job that was submitted to VIPO for processing. If you
do not want the job to print, select none.
Only PostScript printers will be listed. You must ensure that the VI Interpreter is installed
on the printer selected for VIPP job output, as well as any resources the VIPP job may