VI PDF Originator User’s Guide
FreeFlow Variable Information Suite 5.0 (7/2006) VIPO-79
Conflict Jobs
When the Conflict Jobs tab is selected, VIPO produces a window containing a list of all
VIPO jobs with conflicts. Conflict jobs are jobs where more than one Dispatch Rule can
be applied.
When any entry in the Conflict Jobs list is highlighted, these buttons can be used to alter
how the selected job will be processed:
Select Dispatch Rule
Allows you to select the appropriate Dispatch Rule from a list.
Cancel Job
Cancels the selected job. Once selected for cancellation, the job is removed from the list
and placed in the Completed Jobs queue with a “Cancelled” status.
Ineligible Jobs
When the Ineligible Jobs tab is selected, VIPO produces a window containing a list of all
ineligible VIPO jobs. Ineligible jobs are jobs for which no existing Dispatch Rules could
be applied at the time the job was accessed by VIPO Dispatch.
When any entry in the Ineligible Jobs list is highlighted, these buttons can be used to alter
how the selected job will be processed:
View IndexRecord Field Names
Allows you to inspect the field names in the CSV index file header to determine why no
existing Dispatch Rule can be applied.
Cancel Job
Cancels the selected job. Once selected for cancellation, the job is removed from the list
and placed in the Completed Jobs queue with a “Cancelled” status.
It is possible that one or more of the listed Dispatch Rules may not apply
because of modifications made between the time the conflict was
identified and the time at which the Dispatch Rule file is selected. In this
situation, the job may remain in the Conflict Jobs queue or be moved to
the Ineligible Jobs queue.