The installation process will require that the following items can be created / imple-
mented prior to the operation of
1. APF authorized load library
An APF authorized load library is required to execute the IDAXFC program.
2. PROC library
A system-accessible procedure library should be available to be used for the
startup procedure.
3. MVS PPT modifications.
Modifications to the Program Properties Table will be required to permit operation
of the IDAXFC.
4. System security rules (e.g. RACF/ACF) for the IDAXFC.
Rule definitions will be required for the IDAXFC PROC to permit read access to
AFP resources. Write access for the control information dataset will also be re-
quired based on a high-level qualifier.
5. Spool System FSS and Printer Definitions
Customization of either JES2, JES3 or CA-Spool will be required
* JES PARM deck modification
Definitions of the FSS and appropriate printer definitions will be required in
the JES PARM deck. Both FSS and printer definitions can be dynamically
added during normal JES processing, however for permanent FSS and
printer definitions, a JES warm start will be required.
* CA-Spool modifications
Modifications to the startup procedure and customization of initialization
values will be required. A CA-Spool warm start will be required to implement
these changes.
• Installation checklist
The following sequence can be used;
1. Load Files from product tape using IEBGENER
2. Allocate / select an APF authorized load library for the IDAXFC module
3. Generate the IDAXFC load module using the BLDXFC JCL.
4. Create IDAXFC PROC member
5. Install the supplied codepages and fonts
6. Create/update installation security access for IDAXFC module
7. Perform JES2/JES3 or CA-Spool customization
8. Perform PPT table modifications
9. Activate system modifications (IPL) - JES warm start
10. Perform installation verification procedure
idaPSS XES Exit Installation Checklist
This checklist describes the sequence of activities required to perform installation of the
idaXFC XES exits when idaPSS has already been installed on the system.
1. Installation of ida PSS Version 7.05 or higher
System Requirements 15