• Stop (P)
This command performs an orderly shutdown of the entire idaXFC system. This
command is intended to be used during termination of the system (e.g. prior to an
IPL). The shutdown command will take affect when all printing presently in progress
is terminated. When more than one Stop command is entered, an orderly "forced"
termination of idaXFC system is performed, which will interrupt any printing/conversion
presently in progress.
• Stop Printer
This command performs an orderly shutdown of the printer.
• Force Printer
This command performs a forced shutdown of the printer. A VTAM UNBIND request is
issued to the printer. This command should be used to terminate printer communi-
cation in the event of a error situation
•Dump Printer
This command is used only for diagnostic purposes, and causes a display of internal
control blocks. Processing is not affected with the use of this command.
This command can be used to display the printer status and configuration (using op-
tional keywords). Optional keywords that can be supplied are:
Displays a summary status of all printers
* Default
Displays the default profile configuration keywords
* Single printer
Displays status and configuration information for a single printer
* Level
Displays the product software level
This command allows the addition of a new printer definition without requiring termi-
nation of the idaXFC. Prior to using this command, the printer to be defined must be
defined to the VTAM application. The prt parameter refers to the printer name that will
be used.
When printers are defined, only the printer name and printer related configuration val-
ues are supplied. All other values are set to the configuration supplied on the default
statement or actual keyword defaults (where no default value has been requested).
Keyword values can be altered using the modify operation.
Printer add and set commands first take effect when the printer is stopped and
restarted, and are in effect until the print system is terminated, or the next add or
modify command is entered.
Any printer configuration value can be altered dynamically using the set command.
Values will first be used when the printer is stopped and restarted. In addition, the Set
default keyword can be used to alter the configuration values supplied for the default
idaXFC Spool File Converter Operator Commands 35