Xerox DocuPrint 180 Printer User Manual

Job source library (JSL) files
Print description language (PDL) commands are used to describe the
data layout and provide instructions for data placement on a page
with or without an FDL-created form. The JSL file contains PDL
statements defining the format of the input, processing requirements,
and the format of printed output. When the JSL file is compiled, it is
referred to as a job descriptor library (JDL) file and is referenced for
printing a job.
Within a JDL file, there may be one or more unique definitions for
different processing features, output formats, and tape formats.
Each set of unique definitions represents a job and is called a JDE or
a job.
A JDL (compiled JSL) file containing printing instructions for the
DocuPrint 180 LPS is required to print any job on any configuration.
Many specialized functions can be accomplished with PDL statement
commands. Refer to the
Xerox DocuPrint 180 LPS PDL Reference
for specifics
Several basic JSL files are provided with the OSS; for example,
ONLINE.JSL is provided for printing online jobs, a XEROX.JSL is
provided for printing magnetic tape jobs, and so on. To meet specific
application needs, any OSS-supplied JSL can be copied and
modified. All Xerox LPS’s have as a standard feature the LPS Editor
utility for the creation and modification of program source files (FSL
and JSL extension files).