copy-sensitive Term used to indicate jobs in which multiple copies of a report will
contain different data, as with paychecks and banking statements.
cpi characters per inch. Designates the number of characters per inch
for a particular typeface. See also pitch.
CPU central processing unit. Interprets and executes instructions,
performs all operations and calculations, and controls input and
output units and auxiliary attachments.
data 1. In general, facts, numbers, letters, symbols, and so on, which can
be processed or produced by a computer. 2. In data processing, the
source data or raw data entered for processing, as opposed to the
results obtained by processing.
database Information to meet specific processing and retrieval needs.
Generally applies to integrated file of data, arranged for access by
many subsystems.
data communications Transmission and reception of encoded information over
telecommunication lines.
data file Collection of related data records organized in a specific manner so
that each record is similarly structured, for example, a payroll file set
up with one record for each employee, last name first, indicating the
rate of pay and all deductions.
data processing Operations carried out on data by means of algorithms and programs
to produce information or a specific result. The rearrangement of
data into a suitable form for further use.
data rate In data communications, the rate at which a channel carries data,
measured in bits per second (bps).
data storage Preservation of data on various media, for example, tape, disks,
magnetic bubble memory, and so on.
data transmission Transmission of coded data over telephone or other
telecommunication lines.
debug To detect and correct errors in a program.
decompose To break down into component parts, such as when Interpress
breaks down a Font Interchange Standard (FIS) master to compile
font information.
default Value assigned to a field by the system. Default fields may be used
for such items as document formats, menu selections, input fields,
font selection, and paper or image size. The default value of a field
may be changed.