Table 4-3. Operation Status Group - Condition Register
Weight Description
0 1 Calibrating
1 2 Settling
3 8 Sweeping
4 16 Measuring
532Waiting for TRG
664Waiting for ARM
7 128 Correcting
8 256 Interrupt acknowledged (System Instrument)
9-12 Instrument Dependent
13-14 Reserved
15 Always zero
Reading the
Condition Register
When an event monitored by the Condition register has occurred or is
occurring, a corresponding bit in the register is set. The bit which is set can be
determined with the command:
The data which is returned is the decimal weighted sum of the set bit. Since bit 8
is the only bit used by system instrument, 256 is returned if the bit is set.
Bit 8 in the Condition register is cleared with the command:
Unmasking the
Operation Event
Register Bits
When a condition monitored by the condition register occurs, a corresponding
bit in the Operation Status Group Event register is automatically set. In order
for this condition to generate a service request, the bit in the Event register must
be unmasked using the Operation Status Group Enable register. This is done
using the command:
STATus:OPERation:ENABle < event>
where event is the decimal weight of the bit to be unmasked. Since the system
instrument only uses bit 8, the only useful value of event is 256.
When bit 8 is set and is unmasked, it sets bit 7 in the Status Byte register in the
Status Byte Group.
Bits in the Operation Status Group Event register which are unmasked can be
determined with the command:
The command returns the decimal weighted sum of the unmasked bit(s).
6-8 Controlling Instruments Using GPIB