
*SRE? Status Register Enable Query. Returns the weighted sum of all enabled
(unmasked) events (those enabled to assert SRQ) in the Status Byte Register.
Example 10 OUTPUT 70900;"*SRE?" Sends Status Register Enable
20 ENTER 70900;A Places response in variable
30 PRINT A Prints response
40 END
*STB? Status Byte Register Query. Returns the weighted sum of all set bits in the Status
Byte Register. Refer to "The Status Byte Register" earlier in this chapter for a
table showing the contents of the Status Byte Register.
Comments You can read the Status Byte Register using either the *STB? command or an
GPIB serial poll (IEEE 488.1 message). Both methods return the weighted sum
of all set bits in the register. The difference between the two methods is that
*STB? does not clear bit 6 (Service Request); serial poll does clear bit 6. No
other status byte register bits are cleared by either method with the exception of
the Message Available bit (bit 4) which may be cleared as a result of reading the
response to *STB?.
Example 10 OUTPUT 70900;"*STB?" Sends Status Byte Register
20 ENTER 70900;A Places response in variable
30 PRINT A Prints response
40 END
*TRG Trigger. Triggers an instrument when the trigger source is set to bus
(TRIG:SOUR BUS command) and the instrument is in the Wait for Trigger
*TST? Self-Test. Causes an instrument to execute an internal self-test and returns a
response showing the results of the self-test. A zero response indicates that
self-test passed. A value other than zero indicates a self-test failure or error.
Example 10 OUTPUT 70900;"*TST?" Execute self-test, return
20 ENTER 70900;A Places self-test response in
30 PRINT A Prints response
40 END
*WAI Wait-to-continue. Prevents an instrument from executing another command
until the operation caused by the previous command is finished (sequential
operation). Since all instruments normally perform sequential operations,
executing the *WAI command causes no change to the instrument’s operation.
System Instrument Command Reference 7-71