
GPIB Message
This section describes IEEE-488.1 defined messages and their affect on
instruments installed in the mainframe. The examples shown are specifically for
HP 9000 Series 200/300 computers using BASIC language. Any IEEE-488
controller can send these messages; however, the syntax may be different from
that shown here.
Go To Local (GTL) Places an instrument in local state.
Comments Refer to the Local Lockout message, later in this chapter, for information
on how GTL affects front panel lockout.
Examples LOCAL 7 Sets GPIB remote enable line
false (all instruments go to
local). (You must now execute
REMOTE 7 to return to remote
LOCAL 70900 Issues GPIB GTL to System
Instrument. (The instrument
will return to remote mode
when it is listen addressed.)
Group Execute Trigger
Executing a group execute trigger will trigger an instrument assuming the
following conditions are true:
The instrument’s trigger source is set to Bus (TRIG:SOUR BUS
command), and:
The instrument is in the Wait For Trigger state, and:
The instrument is addressed to listen (can be done by sending any
command, the REMOTE 709ss (ss = secondary address) command, or
with the LISTEN command).
Comments For instruments in an Agilent E1300B/E1301B Mainframe, only one
instrument at a time can be programmed to respond to GET. This is
because only one instrument can be addressed to listen at any one time.
Example 10 OUTPUT 70900;"TRIG:SOUR BUS" Sets trigger source to bus
20 OUTPUT 70900;"INIT:IMM" Places System Instrument’s
Pacer in Wait For Trigger state
30 TRIGGER 70900 Triggers Pacer
40 END
Interface Clear (IFC) Unaddresses all instruments in the mainframe and breaks any bus handshaking
in progress.
Example ABORT 7
7-72 System Instrument Command Reference