• The following table defines each value of type:
Value Definition
EVEN If …PARity:CHECK is ON, the received parity bit
must maintain even parity. The transmitted parity
bit will maintain even parity.
ODD If …PARity:CHECK is ON, the received parity bit
must maintain odd parity. The transmitted parity
bit will maintain odd parity.
ZERO If …PARity:CHECK is ON, the received parity bit
must be a zero. The transmitted parity bit will be a
ONE If …PARity:CHECK is ON, the received parity bit
must be a logic one. The transmitted parity bit will
be a logic one.
NONE A parity bit must not be received in the serial data
frame. No parity bit will be transmitted.
• While this command operates independently of either the …BITS or
…SBITs commands, there are two combinations which are disallowed
because of their data frame bit width. The following table shows the
possible combinations:
…BITS …PARity:TYPE …SBITs Frame Bits
7 NONE 1 9 - disallowed
7NONE2 10
8NONE1 10
8NONE2 11
8 Yes 2 12 - disallowed
• Received parity will not be checked unless …PAR:CHEC ON is has been
sent. Transmitted data will include the specified parity whether
• DIAG:BOOT:COLD will set …PARity to NONE.
• Related Commands: …PAR:CHEC 1 | 0 | ON | OFF,
…SER[n]:BITS 7 | 8, …SER[n]:SBITs 1 | 2
• *RST Condition: No change
Example Set parity check/generation to ODD.
SYST:COMM:SER0:PAR ODD Set parity type
SYST:COMM:SER0:PAR:CHEC ON Enable parity check/gen.
SYSTem :COMMunicate: SERial[n] [:RECeive] :PARity [:TYPE]
System Instrument Command Reference 7-45