About this Manual
Manual Content This manual shows how to use the Agilent E1300/E1301 Mainframe and how to
operate and program instruments within the mainframe using SCPI (Standard
Commands for Programmable Instruments) commands and IEEE 488.2
Common Commands. For installation and configuration information refer to the
"Agilent 75000 Series B Installation and Getting Started Guide".
Chapter 1:
Getting Started
This chapter contains a mainframe description, discusses the instrument
concept, and contains introductory programming examples.
Chapter 2: Using the
Front Panel
This chapter describes how to use the Agilent E1301 mainframe’s front panel
keyboard and display to operate instruments in the mainframe.
Chapter 3: Using the Display
Terminal Interface
This chapter describes how to use a display terminal to operate instruments in
the mainframe.
Chapter 4: Using the
This chapter shows how to use the mainframe’s Pacer, how to change the
primary GPIB address, and how to synchronize internal and external
instruments using the mainframe’s Trigger In and Event Out ports.
Chapter 5: Downloading
Device Drivers
This chapter contains information on downloading device drivers into
non-volatile memory using both GPIB and RS-232 connections.
Chapter 6: Controlling
Instruments using GPIB
This chapter shows some general concepts for operating instruments in the
mainframe using IEEE 488.2 Common Commands and the GPIB interface.
Chapter 7:
Command Reference
The command reference contains a detailed description of each System
Instrument command. It includes information on the choice of settings and
examples showing the context in which the command is used. It also contains
command references for the supported IEEE 488.2 Common Commands and
IEEE 488.1 GPIB Messages.
Appendix A: Specification This appendix contains a list of the Mainframe’s operating specifications.
Appendix B:
Error Messages
This appendix lists SCPI error codes and messages for the System Instrument,
and possible causes.
Appendix C: Connecting &
Configuring a Terminal
This appendix shows how to set-up a terminal for use with the Display Terminal
Interface described in Chapter 3.
Appendix D: Sending Binary
Data Over RS-232
This Appendix contains information on transferring binary files over an RS-232
interface. It includes information on how these files are coded for transmission.