SCPI Commands Quick Reference
Command Description
[:IMMediate] Sound beeper (fixed duration and tone).
:ADDRess Sets the primary address of the communications port.
:ADDRess? Returns GPIB address or min| max allowed value.
:DTR ON| OFF| STANdard| IBFull Sets mode for modem control line DTR.
:DTR? Returns current mode of DTR line.
:RTS ON| OFF| STANdard| IBFull Sets mode for modem control line RTS.
:RTS? Returns current mode of RTS line.
baud_rate> |MIN|MAX Sets transmit and receive baud rate of serial interface.
:BAUD? [MIN| MAX] Returns the current or allowable baud setting.
:BITS 7| 8| MIN| MAX Sets the number of data bits in the serial data frame.
:BITS? [MIN| MAX] Returns the current or allowable BITS setting.
[:PROTocol] XON| NONE Sets the receive pacing protocol to XON/XOFF or none.
[:PROTocol]? Returns the state of receive pacing protocol.
:STARt <
char_count> Sets the input buffer start threshold for input pacing.
:STARt? [MIN| MAX] Returns current or allowable STARt threshold level.
char_count> Sets the input buffer stop threshold for input pacing.
:STOP? [MIN| MAX] Returns the current or allowable STOP threshold level.
:CHECk 1| 0| ON| OFF Enables/disables receive parity checking.
:CHECk? Returns the current state of receive parity checking.
Sets the type of receive and transmit parity.
[:TYPe]? Returns the current parity type setting.
:SBITs 1| 2| MIN| MAX Sets the number of stop bits for receive and transmit.
:SBITs? MIN| MAX Returns the number of stop bits set.
:TRANsmit Note: Agilent E1324A is always …TRAN:AUTO ON
:AUTO 1| 0| ON| OFF Links/unlinks the transmit and receive pacing protocol.
:AUTO? Returns the current transmit/receive pacing linkage.
[:PROTocol] XON| NONE Sets the transmit pacing protocol to XON/XOFF or none.
[:PROTocol]? Returns the state of transmit pacing protocol.
year>,<month>,<day> Sets system calendar.
:DATE? [MIN| MAX,MIN| MAX,MIN| MAX] Returns current date or min| max allowable values.
:ERRor? Returns oldest error message in Error Queue.
hour>,<minute>,<second> Sets the system clock.
:TIME? [MIN| MAX,MIN| MAX,MIN| MAX] Returns current time or min| max allowable values.
:VERSion? Returns SCPI version for which this istrument complies.
System Instrument
Command Quick Reference 7–77