
*RCL < state number> Recall stored state. Recalls a stored state from memory and configures the
instrument to that state. States are stored using the *SAV command.
Example OUTPUT 70900;"*RCL 4" Recalls instrument state
number 4
*RMC < name_string> Remove Individual Macro Command. Purges an individual macro identified by
the name_string parameter.
Example output 70900;"*RMC ’LIST’" remove macro command from
*DMC example
NOTE: At printing time, *RMC is a command proposed for a revision and
re-designation of ANSI/IEEE Std 488.2-1987.
*RST Reset. Resets an instrument as follows:
Sets the instrument to a known state (usually the power-on state)
Aborts all pending operations
Disables the *OPC and *OPC? modes.
*RST does not affect:
The state of the GPIB interface
The GPIB address
The output queue
The Service Request Enable Register
The Standard Event Status Enable Register
The power-on flag
Calibration data
Protected user data
*SAV < state number> Store state. Stores an instrument’s present state in a numbered memory location
(< state number> parameter). State numbers can range from 0 to 9.
Example OUTPUT 70900;"*SAV 4" Saves present instrument state
as state number 4
*SRE < mask> Service Request Enable. When a service request event occurs, it sets a
corresponding bit in the Status Byte Register (this happens whether or not the
event has been enabled (unmasked) by *SRE). The *SRE command allows you
to identify which of these events will assert an GPIB service request (SRQ).
When an event is enabled by *SRE and that event occurs, it sets a bit in the
Status Byte Register and issues an SRQ to the computer (sets the GPIB SRQ
line true). You enable an event by specifying its decimal weight for <mask>.
To enable more than one event, specify the sum of the decimal weights. Refer to
"The Status Byte Register" earlier in this chapter for a table showing the
contents of the Status Byte Register.
Example OUTPUT 70900;"*SRE 160" Enables bits 5 & 7. Respective
weights are 32 + 128 = 160
7-70 System Instrument Command Reference