• ON or 1 specify that interrupt handling is to be set up for the specified
interrupt line. OFF or 0 indicate that interrupt handling of the specified
line is to be done by the operating system.
• Related Commands: DIAG:INT:ACT, DIAG:INT:PRIority[n],
• *RST Condition: DIAG:INT:SETup[n] OFF (for all lines)
Example Setup and wait for VXI interrupt response on line 2.
DIAG:INT:PRI2 5 set priority to 5 on line 2
DIAG:INT:SETUP2 ON handle interrupt on line 2
. code which will
. initiate an action
. resulting in an interrupt
DIAG:INT:RESP? Read the acknowledge response
:INTerrupt:SETup[n]? DIAGnostic:INTerrupt:SETup[n]? Returns the current state set by
DIAG:INT:SETUP[n] < mode> , for the VXI interrupt line specified by [n] in
Comments •…SETup1? through …SETup7? specify the VXI interrupt lines 1
through 7.
• Sending SETup? without an [n] value specifies VXI interrupt line 1.
• If 1 is returned, interrupt handling is set up for the specified interrupt
line using the System Instrument (DIAGnostic:INTerrupt commands). If
0 is returned, interrupt handling is done by the operating system.
• Related Commands: DIAG:INT:SETup[n], DIAG:INT:PRIority[n],
Example Determine interrupt setup for line 4.
enter statement statement returns 0 or 1
7-20 System Instrument Command Reference