SYSTem:COMMunicate:GPIB:ADDRess < address> sets the primary address
of the Instrument’s GPIB port.
Parameters Parameter
Range of
address numeric must round to 0 to 30 none
Comments • The value of < address> is effective after the System Instrument has
received a < new line> following the SYST:COMM:GPIB:ADDR
command. < new line> can be a line-feed or END (EOI signal).
• Related Commands: SYST:COMM:GPIB:ADDR?,
• *RST Condition: *RST does not change the System Instrument’s primary
GPIB address.
Example Set the GPIB port’s primary address
SYST:COMM:GPIB:ADDR 9 sets the primary address to 9
SYSTem:COMMunicate:GPIB:ADDRess? returns the Command Module
primary GPIB address.
Example Read the Primary GPIB Address.
SYST:COMM:GPIB:ADDR? Read the GPIB address
enter statement Enter the GPIB address
:SERial[n]: …
The SYStem:COMMunicate:SERial[n]: … commands set and/or modify the
configuration of the serial interface(s) that are under control of the System
Instrument. The interface to be affected by the command is specified by a
number (zero through seven) which replaces the [n] in the :SERial[n]
command. The number is the interface’s card number. Card number zero
specifies the E1300/E1301 mainframe’s built-in interface while one through
seven specify one of up to seven E1324 B-size plug-in serial interface modules.
The serial interface installed at logical address 1 becomes card number 1, the
serial interface installed at the next sequential logical address becomes card
number 2 and so on. The logical addresses used by plug-in serial interfaces must
start at 1 and be contiguous (no unused logical addresses).
Comments • Serial communication commands take effect after the end of the program
message containing the command.
• Serial communication settings for the built-in RS-232 interface can be
stored in its non-volatile RAM only after the
DIAG:COMM:SER[n]:STORe command is executed. These settings are
used at power-up and DIAG:BOOT[:WARM].
SYSTem:COMMunicate :GPIB:ADDRess
7-36 System Instrument Command Reference