DIAGnostic:COMMunicate:SERial[0][:OWNer]? Returns the current "owner"
of the built-in serial interface. The values returned will be; "SYST", "IBAS", or
"NO N E ".
Comments • Related Commands: DIAGnostic:SERial[:OWNer]
Example Determine which instrument has the serial interface.
DIAG:COMM:SER? Note; :OWNer is implied
enter statement statement returns the string
DIAGnostic:COMMunicate:SERial[n]:STORe Stores the serial
communications parameters (e.g. BAUD, BITS, PARity etc.) into non-volatile
storage for the serial interface specified by [n] in SERial[n].
Comments • Until …STORe is executed, communication parameter values are stored
in volatile memory, and a power failure will cause the settings to be lost.
• DIAG:COMM:SER(1-7):STOR causes an Agilent E1324A (B-size
RS-232 card) to store its settings in an on-board EEROM. This EEROM
write cycle takes nearly one second to complete. Wait for this operation
to complete before attempting to use that serial interface.
• The Agilent E1324A’s EEROM used to store its serial communication
settings has a finite lifetime of approximately ten thousand write cycles.
Even if your application program sent the …STORe command once
every day, the lifetime of the EEROM would still be over 27 years.
Be careful that your application program sends the …STORe command
to an Agilent E1324A no more often than is necessary.
• Related Commands: all SYST:COMM:SER[n]… commands
Example Store the serial communications settings in the third Agilent E1324A.
DIAGnostic:COMMunicate :SERial[0][:OWNer]?
7-8 System Instrument Command Reference