
registers) which are present on the device. -1 indicates that the device has
no A16 memory.
A24 memory offset: an integer between -1 and 16777215 inclusive.
Indicates the base address for any A24 registers which are present on the
device. -1 indicates that the device has no A24 memory.
A32 memory offset: an integer between -1 and 4294967295 inclusive.
Indicates the base address for any A32 registers which are present on the
device. -1 indicates that the device has no A32 memory.
A16 memory size: an integer between -1 and 65535 inclusive. Indicates
the the number of bytes reserved for any A16 registers (other than the
VXIbus defined registers) which are present on the device. -1 indicates
that the device has no A16 memory.
A24 memory size: an integer between -1 and 16777215 inclusive. Indicates
the number of bytes reserved for any A24 registers which are present on
the device. -1 indicates that the device has no A24 memory.
A32 memory seze: an integer between -1 and 4294967295 inclusive.
Indicates the number of bytes reserved for any A32 registers which are
present on the device. -1 indicates that the device has no A32 memory.
Slot number: an integer between -1 and the number of slots which exist in
the cage. -1 indicates that the slot which contains this device is unknown.
Slot 0 logical address: an integer between -1 and 255 inclusive. -1
indicates that the Slot 0 device associated with this device is unknown.
Subclass: an integer representing the contents of the subclass register. -1
indicates that the subclass register is not defined for this device.
Attribute: an integer representing the contents of the attribute register. -1
indicates that the attribute register is not defined for this device.
Manufacturer’s Specific Comments. Up to 80 character string contains
manufacturer specific data in string response data format. This field is
sent with a 488.2 string response data format, and will contain the
instrument name and its IEEE 488.1 secondary address unless a start-up
error is detected. In that case, this field will contain one or more error
codes in the form "CNFG ERROR: n, m, ...,z" . See Appendix B, Table
B-3 for a complete list of these codes.
Comments Related Commands: VXI:SEL, VXI:CONF:INF:ALL?,
Example Query information on logical address 0.
VXI:SEL 0 select the logical address
VXI:CONF:INF? ask for data
enter statement return data
VXI :CONFigure :INFormation?
System Instrument Command Reference 7-59