VXI:CONF:INF:ALL? Returns the static information about all logical
addresses. The information is returned in the order specified in the response to
VXI:CONF:LADD?. The information about multiple logical adddresses will be
semicolon separated and follow the IEEE 488.2 response message format.
Individual fields of the output are comma separated.
Comments • Related Commands: VXI:SEL, VXI:CONF:INF?, VXI:CONF:LADD?
VXI:CONF:LADD? Returns a comma separated list of logical addresses of
devices in the mainframe. This is an integer between 1 and 256 inclusive. The
logical address of the device responding to the command will be the first entry in
the list.
Comments • Related Commands: VXI:CONF:NUMB?
:CONFigure :NUMBer? VXI:CONF:NUMB? Returns the number of devices in the system. This is an
integer between 1 and 256 inclusive.
Comments • Related Commands: VXI:CONF:LADD?
:READ? VXI:READ? < logical_addr>,<register_addr> allows access to the entire 64
byte A16 register address space for the device specified by logical_addr. Since
the VXIbus system is byte-addressed, while the registers are 16 bits wide,
registers are specified by even addresses only. This method of identifying
registers follows the VXIbus standard format.
Parameters Parameter
Range of
logical_addr decimal
must round to 0 through 255 none
register_addr numeric must round to an even value
from 0 through 62 (3E
Comments • Specifying an odd register address will cause an error 2003,"Invalid word
• Specifying a logical address not currently in the system will cause an error
2005,"No card at logical address".
• Logical_addr must be specified in decimal. Register_addr may be
specified in decimal, hex (# H), octal (# Q), or binary (# B).
• This command has been retained for compatibility with existing
programs. For new programs you should use the VXI:REG:READ?
• Accesses are 16-bit non-privileged data accesses.
VXI:CONFigure :INFormation:ALL?
7-60 System Instrument Command Reference