Parameters Parameter
Range of
logical_addr numeric 0-255 (or nothing) none
Comments • When logical_addr is not specified, VXI:CONF:DLIS? returns
information for each of the devices installed, separated by semicolons. If
the Command Module is not the resource manager, it returns
information on only the devices in its servant area.
• Cards which are part of a combined instrument such as a switchbox or
scanning voltmeter always return the same manufacturer’s comments as
the first card in the instrument. Information in the other fields
correspond to the card for which the Logical Address was specified.
• This command has been retained for compatibility with existing
programs. For new programs you should use the VXI:CONF:INF?
• Related Commands: VXI:CONF:DLAD?, VXI:CONF:DNUM?,
Example Querying the device list for the System Instrument
dimension string[1000] string size large in case of
multiple device list
VXI:CONF:DLIS? 0 Ask for the device list for the
System Instrument
enter string enter return data into string
Example response data (no error):
+ 0, -1, + 4095, + 1301, + 0, + 0, HYB, NONE,
# H00000000, # H00000000, READY, "", "", "", "SYSTEM INSTALLED AT SECONDARY
Example response data (with error):+ 255, + 0, + 4095, + 65380, -1, + 0, REG, A16,
# H00000000, # H00000000, READY, "", "", "", "CNFG ERROR: 11"
:CONFigure :DNUMber? VXI:CONF:DNUM? returns the number of devices installed in the mainframe
(including the System Instrument itself). If the Command Module is not the
resource manager, it returns the number of devices in its servant area.
Comments • Use the VXI:CONF:DNUM? command to determine the number of
values which will be returned by VXI:CONF:DLAD?.
• This command has been retained for compatibility with existing
programs. For new programs you should use VXI:CONF:NUMB?
• Related Commands: VXI:CONF:DLAD?, VXI:CONF:DLIS?
Example Determining the number of devices within the system
VXI:CONF:DNUM? query the number of devices
enter statement input number of devices
VXI:CONFigure :DNUMber?
7-56 System Instrument Command Reference