System Instrument Menu
Menu Levels and Content
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 User Entry Command(s) Used Description
SYSTEM CONFIG? LADDS VXI:CONF:DLAD? Displays logical addresses of mainframe
DEVICE logical address VXI:CONF:DLIS? < log_addr> Displays information about the device at
the specified logical address. (Refer to the
Command Reference for details)
SET GPIB address SYST:COMM:GPIB:ADDR < address>
RS232 BAUD READ card number SYST:COMM:SER[n]:BAUD? Read current baud rate
SET 300 card number SYST:COMM:SER[n]:BAUD 300 Sets the serial interface baud rate to 300
1200 card number SYST:COMM:SER[n]:BAUD 1200 Sets the serial interface baud rate to 1200
2400 card number SYST:COMM:SER[n]:BAUD 2400 Sets the serial interface baud rate to 2400
9600 card number SYST:COMM:SER[n]:BAUD 9600 Sets the serial interface baud rate to 9600
19200 card number SYST:COMM:SER[n]:BAUD 19200 Sets the serial interface baud rate to 19200
PARITY READ card number SYST:COMM:SER[n]:PAR? Read current parity type
SET EVEN card number SYST:COMM:SER[n]:PAR EVEN Sets the serial interface parity to even
ODD card number SYST:COMM:SER[n]:PAR ODD Sets the serial interface parity to odd
ONE card number SYST:COMM:SER[n]:PAR ONE Sets the serial interface parity to one
ZERO card number SYST:COMM:SER[n]:PAR ZERO Sets the serial interface parity to zero
NONE card number SYST:COMM:SER[n]:PAR NONE Sets the serial interface parity to none
BITS READ card number SYST:COMM:SER[n]:BITS? Read current data bit width
SET 7 card number SYST:COMM:SER[n]:BITS 7 Sets the data width to 7 bits
8 card number SYST:COMM:SER[n]:BITS 8 Sets the data width to 8 bits
PACE READ card number SYST:COMM:SER[n]:PACE? Read current pacing type
SET XON/OFF card number SYST:COMM:SER[n]:PACE XON Enables XON/XOFF software handshaking
NONE card number SYST:COMM:SER[n]:PACE NONE Disables XON/XOFF software handshaking
(continued on following page)
2-14 Using the Display Terminal Interface