INITiate The INITiate command subsystem controls the initiation of the trigger system
for one or more trigger cycles. INITiate enables while ABORt disables the
trigger system. The TRIGger command subsystem controls the behavior of the
trigger system while it is enabled.
Subsystem Syntax INITiate
[:IMMediate] INITiate:IMMediate changes the trigger system from the Idle state to the Wait
For Trigger state.
Comments • If TRIGger:SOURce is IMMediate, the Pacer starts. If TRIG:SOURce is
BUS, EXT, or HOLD, the Pacer will start when that trigger condition is
• Sending the ABORt command will reset the trigger system back to its
Idle state and terminate any pacer pulse train in progress.
• Sending INIT while the system is still in the Wait for Trigger state
(already INITiated) will cause an error -213,"Init ignored".
• Related Commands: ABORt, TRIGger
• *RST Condition: Trigger system is in the Idle state.
Example Initiating the trigger system (Wait For Trigger state).
TRIG:SOUR HOLD trigger source is TRIG
SOUR:PULS:COUN 1E3 output 1000 Pacer pulses
SOUR:PULS:PER .1 S pulse period set to .1 second
INIT go to Wait For Trigger state
TRIG trigger the Pacer to output
INIT must re-initiate system before
each trigger cycle
INITiate [:IMMediate]
System Instrument Command Reference 7-29