PCI Ethernet and Fast Ethernet Adapters
PCI Ethernet and Fast Ethernet Adapters User’s Guide
Stock Number: 511472-00, Rev. A Page: 5-4
Print Spec Number: 495708-00
Current Date: 5/5/97 ECN Date: 5/97
When you select Diagnostics on the Main Menu, The Test Options
menu appears. You may select to run Local Diagnostics, Remote
Diagnostics, or Setup Echo Server. These test options are described
Local Diagnostics tests whether your adapter’s components,
including the transceiver and Ethernet controller, are working
properly. To test your adapter locally, run the diagnostics on an
Adaptec adapter installed in a computer connected to a
network or terminated cable.
Remote Diagnostics tests how accurately your Adaptec
adapter sends packets to and receives packets from an echo
server. To test your adapter with a test workstation and an
echo server, make sure that both the workstation and echo
server are on a private network and each contain an Adaptec
adapter. To achieve valid results, use an adapter in the echo
server which is known to function correctly.
Setup Echo Server sets up the workstation to act as an echo
station for another Adaptec workstation running the Remote
Diagnostics option. Make sure that the workstation in use as
the echo server is known to work properly.
Running Local Diagnostics
If you select Local Diagnostics from the Test Options menu, the
screen displays a list of tests to be run. The tests are: Controller
Integrity, Time Domain Reflectometer, Loopback, and Transmitter.