Control Byte
Name Description
106 (6Ah)
Set Spectrum Analyzer
Resolution Bandwidth Freq
Sets the Spectrum Analyzer resolution BW frequency (obsolete) Yes
107 (6Bh)
Set Spectrum Analyzer
Video Bandwidth Freq
Sets the Spectrum Analyzer video BW frequency (obsolete) Yes
108 (6Ch)
Set Spectrum Analyzer
Sweep Mode
Sets the Spectrum Analyzer sweep mode Yes
109 (6Dh)
Set Spectrum Analyzer
Marker to Peak
Sets specified marker to peak value of the sweep Yes
110 (6Eh)
Set Spectrum Analyzer
Marker to Center
Sets the center frequency equal to the frequency of the specified marker Yes
111 (6Fh)
Set Spectrum Analyzer
Sets the attenuation for the Site Master Spectrum Analyzer mode (obsolete) Yes
112 (70h)
Set VNA Segmented Limit
Sets the position and On/Off status of the segmented limit lines for the VNA
113 (71h)
Set Spectrum Analyzer
Multiple Limit
Sets the position and On/Off Status of a limit segment for the SPA mode Yes
114 (72h)
Set Return Spectrum
Analyzer Sweep Time
If this is enabled, the duration of the current sweep (in milliseconds) will be
returned as 4 bytes via the serial port at the end of the sweep
115 (73h) Set Reference Level Offset Sets the value of the reference level offset Yes
117 (0x75) Read Marker Value
Returns the frequency location of the specified marker, and the value at that
118 (76h Set Sweep Averaging Sets the number of sweeps to average Yes
120 (78h) Field InstaCal Initiates an InstaCal calibration —-
124 (7Ch)
Read InstaCal Module
ASCII Serial Number
Returns the InstaCal Module serial number in ASCII Yes
129 (81h)
Set Site Master Marker
Sets an individual marker in current measurement mode to either peak
(maximum) signal or valley (minimum) signal
133 (85h)
Set/Reset SPA External
Sets the external reference frequency for the spectrum analyzer Yes
134 (86h)
Check External SPA
Returns the state of the SPA external reference —-
136 (88h) Set SPA Preamp State Sets the state of the SPA preamp Yes
140 (8Ch) Set SPA Units Sets the scale type (logarithmic or linear) and the units Yes
141 (8Dh)
Set SPA Resolution
Sets the resolution BW frequency for the Spectrum Analyzer Yes
142 (8Eh) Set SPA Video Bandwidth Sets the video BW frequency for the Spectrum Analyzer Yes
143 (8Fh) Set SPA Attenuation Sets the attenuation for the Spectrum Analyzer Yes
145 (91h) Set AM/FM Demod Sets the AM/FM/SSB Demodulation state Yes
197 (C5h) Set Baud Rate Sets the serial communication baud rate for this session Yes
198 (C6h) Set Language Sets the Site Master display language Yes
208 (D0h) Query Time Queries the Site Master for the current time in ASCII format —-
221 (DDh) Read Main Serial Number Returns the Main (External) Serial Number as four bytes Yes
255 (FFh) Exit Remote Mode Ends serial communications —-
A001h Set T1 Transmission Level Sets the transmission level of T1 measurement mode Yes
A002h Set T1/E1 Clock Source Sets the Clock Source of T1/E1 measurement mode Yes
A003h Set T1/E1 Pattern Sets the data pattern of T1/E1 measurement mode Yes
Site Master PM 5