Anritsu S331D Network Router User Manual

300) Status Byte 5
( 0b = Off/Beep if data is below line, 1b = On/Beep if data is above line)
(LSB) bit 0 : Multiple Limit Upper Segment 3 Status On/Off
bit 1 : Multiple Limit Upper Segment 3 Beep Level ABOVE/BELOW
bit 2 : Multiple Limit Upper Segment 4 Status On/Off
bit 3 : Multiple Limit Upper Segment 4 Beep Level ABOVE/BELOW
bit 4 : Multiple Limit Upper Segment 5 Status On/Off
bit 5 : Multiple Limit Upper Segment 5 Beep Level ABOVE/BELOW
bit 6 : Multiple Limit Lower Segment 1 Status On/Off
bit 7 : Multiple Limit Lower Segment 1 Beep Level ABOVE/BELOW
303) Status Byte 6
(0b = Off/Beep if data is BELOW line, 1b = On/Beep if data is ABOVE line)
(LSB) bit 0 : Multiple Limit Lower Segment 2 Status On/Off
bit 1 : Multiple Limit Lower Segment 2 Beep Level ABOVE/BELOW
bit 2 : Multiple Limit Lower Segment 3 Status On/Off
bit 3 : Multiple Limit Lower Segment 3 Beep Level ABOVE/BELOW
bit 4 : Multiple Limit Lower Segment 4 Status On/Off
bit 5 : Multiple Limit Lower Segment 4 Beep Level ABOVE/BELOW
bit 6 : Multiple Limit Lower Segment 5 Status On/Off
bit 7 : Multiple Limit Lower Segment 5 Beep Level ABOVE/BELOW
304) Status Byte 7
bits 0-6: Number of sweeps to average (1-25, 1 implies no averaging)
bit 7: Not Used
305) Reference Level Offset
(highest byte)
306) Reference Level Offset
307) Reference Level Offset
308) Reference Level Offset (lowest byte)
309-338) Not Used
339-1938) Sweep Data
(400 points * 4 bytes/point= 1600 bytes)
4 bytes for each data point
1. dBm
2. dBm
3. dBm
4. dBm LSB
Site Master Returns (For invalid sweeps/empty stored sweep locations): 11 bytes
1-2) Number of following bytes (9 bytes for invalid sweep recall)
3-4) Model # (unsigned integer, 14h for Site Master S33xD)
5-11) Extended Model # (7 bytes in ASCII)
Site Master Returns (Invalid sweep location): 1 byte
1) 224 (E0) Parameter Error: Invalid sweep location
Save System Setup – Control Byte #18 (12h)
Description: Saves current system setup parameters to a specific setup store location.
The Site Master saves all parameters described in Query System Status - control byte #29 (1Dh), (except Serial Port Echo
Status) to the specified store location. Store location 0 is the run-time setup of the Site Master. It holds the power-on defaults
of the Site Master.
20 Site Master PM
28 LOWER limits always trigger an error beep if data is BELOW the limit segment, for example, this bit is always 0b.
29 Value sent as ( value in dBm * 1000 ) + 270,000
30 Value sent as ( value in dBm * 1000 ) + 270,000