79) Pattern Sync Status (00h: In Sync, 01h: Out-of-Sync)
80) Carrier Status (00h: In Sync, 01h: Out-of-Sync)
81) Rx Alarms (bit 0: Receiving AIS, bit 1: Receiving RAI, bit 2: Receiving E1 MMF error)
82) BPV Error Count (highest byte)
83) BPV Error Count
84) BPV Error Count
85) BPV Error Count (lowest byte)
86) CRC Error Count (highest byte)
87) CRC Error Count
88) CRC Error Count
89) CRC Error Count (lowest byte)
90) Frame Error Count (highest byte)
91) Frame Error Count
92) Frame Error Count
93) Frame Error Count (lowest byte)
94) LOF Error Count (highest byte)
95) LOF Error Count
96) LOF Error Count
97) LOF Error Count (lowest byte)
98) E Bit Error Count (E1 Only) (highest byte)
99) E Bit Error Count (E1 Only)
100) E Bit Error Count (E1 Only)
101) E Bit Error Count (E1 Only) (lowest byte)
102) Errored Seconds (highest byte)
103) Errored Seconds
104) Errored Seconds
105) Errored Seconds (lowest byte)
106) Bit Count (highest byte)
107) Bit Count
108) Bit Count
109) Bit Count (lowest byte)
110) Bit Errors (highest byte)
111) Bit Errors
112) Bit Errors
113) Bit Errors (lowest byte)
114) User Defined Pattern (convert to binary for pattern) (highest byte)
115) User Defined Pattern
116) User Defined Pattern
117) User Defined Pattern (lowest byte)
118 – 125) Measurement Start Time String (ASCII string: “HH:MM:SS”)
126 – 136) Measurement Stop Time String (ASCII string: “DD:HH:MM:SS”)
137 – 147) Elapsed Time String (ASCII string: “DD:HH:MM:SS”)
148 – 155) Bit Error Rate String (ASCII string in engineering format: x.xxE-xx)
156 – 655) 100 data points with 5 bytes for each data point.
byte has information about Carrier Loss, Frame Loss, BPV and CRC
Following 4 bytes corresponds to the Bit Error Count
Break down of the 1
Bit 7 Bit 6 Bit 5 Bit 4 Bit 3 Bit 2 Bit 1 Bit 0
Not Used Not Used Not Used Carrier Loss Frame Loss BPV Error
Any Error
60 Site Master PM