
Get song lyrics and information about podcasts: Choose Music > Lyrics & Podcast
Info, then turn Lyrics & Podcast Info on or o.
WARNING: For important information about avoiding hearing loss, see the iPad
Important Product Information Guide at www.apple.com/support/manuals/ipad.
Video settings apply to video content, including rented movies. You can set where to
resume playing videos that you previously started, turn closed captioning on or o,
and set up iPad to play videos on your TV.
Set where to resume playing: Choose Video > Start Playing, then select whether
you want videos that you previously started watching to resume playing from the
beginning or where you left o.
Turn closed captioning on or o: Choose Video, then turn Closed Captioning on
or o.
Set the TV signal to NTSC or PAL: Choose Video > TV Signal and select NTSC or PAL.
NTSC and PAL are TV broadcast standards, used in dierent regions. If you’re in the
Americas, NTSC is probably the correct choice. Elsewhere, try PAL. If you’re not sure,
check the documentation that came with your TV or projector.
Turn widescreen on or o: Choose Video and turn Widescreen on or o. If the
video you’re playing is in widescreen format, turning this on preserves the widescreen
aspect ratio.
Use TV Out settings to set up how iPad plays videos on your TV.
Use the Apple Composite AV Cable, the Apple Component AV Cable, or the iPad Dock
Connector to VGA Adapter to connect iPad to a TV or projector. If you’re using the
Apple Component AV Cable, high resolution videos will be shown in HD quality.
When the cable is connected to a TV or projector, an application that supports playing
video to an external display will automatically use it when playing video. Of the built-
in applications, Videos, Photos, and YouTube support external video display.
Chapter 17 Settings