Black Box SCSI-2 LVD Network Card User Manual

CHAPTER 5: Driver Installation
5.5.4 C
Ultra2 LVD SCSI Host Adapter
’s device drivers support command-line switches
to optimize driver performance. Device drivers normally require no additonal
information to work effectively, but for your system or applications you might need
to turn certain features ON or OFF.
To enter command-line switches, add the following command statement to
STARTUP.NCF, where “[pathname]” is the first part of the pathname
(drive:\dir\.subdir...) where INIA100.HAM is installed:
LOAD [pathname]INIA100 [driver-config option]
The “driver-config options” are:
/V Verbose Mode provides detailed information about the driver on the
system command line when the driver is initialized
/!V Non-Verbose Mode (default)
/L Driver assumes that all targets have more than one LUN (logical unit
/!L Driver assumes that all targets only have LUN 0 (default)
/T:hhhh Target-enable mask word (default: FFFF hex, scan all targets)
The range for “hhhh” is from 0000 hex (disable all targets) to
FFFF hex (scan all targets).
This is a powerful and complex option by which you can have the
driver control only certain selected devices. Each of the four hex
characters stands for four of the SCSI IDs, each of which has its own
corresponding bit for which “1” = control enabled, “0” = control
disabled. For example, if you wanted the driver to be able to control
all of the devices on the bus except a CD-ROM drive on ID 3, a tape
drive on ID 6, and scanners on IDs 9 and 10, you would enter the
command phrase “/T:F9B7”:
IDs: 15 14 13 12 11 10 9876543210
Binary: 1 1 1 1100110110111
|__________| |__________| |__________| |__________|
Hex: F 9 B 7
/B:b,dd Scan PCI DEVICE #dd on PCI BUS #b
The range for “b” is from 0 to 7 decimal.
The range for “dd” is from 0 to 20 decimal.