Getting Started 31
Action Bar
GoTo pull-down
The GoTo menu enables you to quickly move to panels that are related to the current
panel, as well as to other product areas. The selections on this menu vary from panel to
You can also use the GoTo menu to
select the panel Index, which enables you to move to a wider selection of panels
navigate to the OMEGAMON classic interface
View pull-down
The View pull-down menu allows you to sort and display your panel data in a variety of
ways. You can display all fields, only fields with values that you specify, or only fields with
warning and critical status. The selections on the View menu vary.
Note: View is not available on all panels.
_ 1. DB2 Installation Parameters...
2. Address Space Info and OMEGAMON Commands Menu
3. Online C
ollector Information...
4. IRLM Startup Options
5. Stored Procedure Startup Options
6. Panel I
7. OMEGAMON II for DB2 Classic Interface
F1=Help F12=Cancel
1 1. All
2. S
3. Problems
Sort by
1. Plan name
2. Elapsed time
3. C
urrent CPU percentage
4. Current DB2 status
5. Number of getpages
6. Num
ber of page updates
7. Number of commits
8. Jobname
Sort order
1 1. A
2. D