
Customizing OMEGAMON II 59
Using the Callable Interface
Setting Up the D2/EXPLAIN Options
Use the following procedure to set up the D2/EXPLAIN options.
2 From the main CUA panel, select Options from the task bar and press Enter. The
following pop-up appears.
3 Select Option 2, Controls, from the pop-up and press Enter. Use the fields on the
Terminal Options panel, shown below, to specify preferences for terminal options. For
EXPLAIN, the key field on this panel is the SQL Process Level field. Type EXPLAIN or
SAVE/EXPLAIN in this field to enable the function.
For a list of the fields and valid values for completing the Terminal Options panel, see
“Using the Terminal Options window” on page 43.
Step Action
1 If you are not already logged onto CUA, then do so now.
2 From the main CUA panel, select Options from the task bar and press Enter. The
following pop-up appears.
Step Action
1. Preferences...
2. Controls...
3. Set thresholds...
4. User authorities...
5. User Profiles...
6. Subsystem Profiles...
7. Near-term Thread History Filter...
8. D2/Explain Options...
F1=Help F12=Cancel
1. Preferences...
2. Controls...
3. Set thresholds...
4. User authorities...
5. User Profiles...
6. Subsystem Profiles...
7. Near-term Thread History Filter...
8. D2/Explain Options...
F1=Help F12=Cancel