
Customizing OMEGAMON II 55
Setting Filtering Options for Near-Term Thread History
Relative-Start The number of minutes or hours before the current time on which the
reporting period begins. You can specify a relative start instead of an
absolute start date and time.
Relative-End The number of minutes or hours after the start time on which the reporting
period ends. You can specify a relative end instead of an absolute end date
and time.
Report Interval The number of minutes by which the report period is partitioned. You
must specify a value that is a multiple of the subinterval value that is evenly
divisible into 60. The subinterval is the smallest allowable interval
(displayed in parentheses to the right of the input field).
Plan The plan names by which thread history displays are restricted.
Authid The authorization identifiers by which thread history displays are restricted.
Connid The connection identifiers by which thread history displays are restricted.
Conntype The types of workloads that can be connected: CICS, IMS, TSO,
Background, Utility, and Distributed.
Field Description