Specifying Save Options for SQL Text
56 OMEGAMON II for DB2 User’s Guide: CUA Interface, Version 540
Specifying Save Options for SQL Text
Use the Save SQL Text Parameters pop-up window to specify options for saving SQL text
to a partitioned dataset.
Accessing the Save SQL Text Parameters window
To access the Save SQL Text Parameters pop-up window:
Select Save SQL Text Parameters from the Options window.
Result: The Save SQL Text Parameters Window appears.
Using the Save SQL Text Parameters window
The following table describes the fields on the SQL Text Parameters window.
Field Description
SQL Statement PDS The name of the partitioned dataset into which you want to save the
SQL statement text.
Member Name The name of the partitioned dataset member into which you want to
save the SQL statement text. If you do not specify a member name, a
system-generated name is used.
Type of Save The type of save process to use when saving SQL text to the specified
member in the SQL statement PDS.
Save SQL Text Parameters
SQL Statement PDS . . : _____________________
Member Name . . . . : _____________________
Type of Save. . . . : REPLACE +
F1=Help F4=Prompt F12=Cancel
Replace Overwrites the existing member with the name you
specified or creates the member if it does not exist.
This is the default.
Append Concatenates the new SQL text to the existing
Prompt Prompts user at each instance for Replace or Append.