System Status Components and Related Exceptions
Active thread exceptions
The following exceptions apply to active threads.
DDF bytes received TRCV The amount of data received by a requestor (allied) or server
(distributed) DB2 thread in response to SQL requests
exceeds the threshold.
DDF bytes sent TSND The amount of data sent by a requestor (allied) or server
(distributed) DB2 thread in response to SQL requests
exceeds the threshold.
DDF remote CPU
RCPU The amount of CPU time used by a distributed data access
thread exceeds the specified threshold.
Description Code Explanation
Archive log mount
ARCM Thread backout processing is waiting for an archive tape
DB2 requires the archive tape mount during abort
processing to backout changes made in the current unit of
recovery. The thread does not do any processing until the
tape is mounted. It holds DB2 resources until the abort
request is complete.
CPU utilization % TCPU CPU utilization for an address space that has DB2
connections and threads exceeds the specified threshold.
Getpage/read ratio GETP The ratio of logical page read (getpage) requests to physical
page read (read I/O) requests is less than the specified
In-DB2 CPU time IDBC The amount of CPU time used by DB2 to process a thread is
greater than the specified threshold.
In-DB2 time IDBT The length of time that DB2 has been processing a thread is
greater than the specified threshold.
Page lock owned % LKUS The percentage of page locks owned by an active thread to
the total allowable number of held page locks exceeds the
specified threshold.
Page update rate PGUP The number of row updates per second on behalf of a
thread exceeds the specified threshold.
Resource limit
RELM The ratio of the resource limit high water mark (CPU
seconds) to the resource limit in effect (CPU seconds) is
greater than the current threshold value of nn.n%.
Sequential prefetch
PREF The number of sequential prefetch requests per second
exceeds the specified threshold.
Synch read I/O rate RIO The physical read I/O rate per second on behalf of a thread
exceeds the specified threshold.
Description Code Explanation