
Using the Callable Interface
60 OMEGAMON II for DB2 User’s Guide: CUA Interface, Version 540
The following table provides a list of fields and valid values for completing the
D2/EXPLAIN Options panel.
3 Select Option 8, D2/Explain Parameters, from this panel and press Enter. Use the
D2/EXPLAIN Options panel, shown below, to specify parameters required to invoke
!DB/EXPLAIN during your OMEGAMON session.
Field Description
Extract ID 1- to 8-character field that identifies an extract of plans and packages. It
represents a logical grouping that typically identifies a DB2 subsystem
and an MVS system. An Extract ID must be configured within
!DB/EXPLAIN before it is used, but an actual extract is not required for
User Profile DSN Optional field names the dataset containing the !DB/EXPLAIN user
profile. Contains overrides to the !DB/EXPLAIN options specified in the
group profile and the system profile.
Group Profile DSN Optional field names the dataset containing the !DB/EXPLAIN group
profile. Contains overrides to the !DB/EXPLAIN options specified in the
system profile.
SQL Statement PDS Name of the dataset where the SQL statement is saved. Must be a PDS.
The SQL Process Level is specified on the Terminal Options panel under
the Options pull-down (fastpath O2). If SAVE, the text is saved but
!DB/EXPLAIN is not invoked. If SAVE/EXPLAIN, !DB/EXPLAIN saves
the text and invokes the EXPLAIN function.
Member Name Name to use when saving the SQL text into the SQL statement PDS. If
omitted, the system generates a name. When you define a member, the
system prompts for whether the member should be replaced or
Step Action
D2/EXPLAIN Options
Extract Id . . . . . . : DB41
User Profile DSN . . . :
Group Profile DSN. . . :
SQL Statement PDS. . . :
Member Name. . . . . :
Type of Save . . . . : REPLACE +
Default Qualifier. . . : SYSIBM
Qualifier Option . . : PROMPT +
Gather Statistics. . . : YES +
Initial Report . . . . : EPATH+
F1=Help F4=Prompt F12=Cancel