
Function Keys
34 OMEGAMON II for DB2 User’s Guide: CUA Interface, Version 540
Function Keys
Function keys enable you to perform certain tasks in OMEGAMON II. These keys are
displayed along the bottom line of the panel. Each panel lists the available function keys
and their assignments for the current panel. If your panel does not display the function
keys, press F2 to turn on the display.
Function key assignments
The default function key assignments are listed below.
Name Assignment
F1 Help Displays a help window for the current panel, pull-down menu,
pop-up window, or field.
F2 Keys Turns on (or off) the function key display at the bottom of the
F3 Exit Exits the current panel, saving all changes made to any of the
fields, and returns you to a previous panel.
From System Status panel, exits the product.
F4 Prompt Displays a list of valid selections for an input field, or toggles
between two selections, such as ON/OFF. Promptable fields are
denoted with a plus (+) sign.
F5 Refresh Updates the panel with current data.
F6 DB2 Console Goes to the DB2 or MVS console where you can issue DB2 or
MVS commands.
F7 Backward Scrolls backward if there are more lines of information than can fit
on the screen. If you cannot scroll backward, two asterisks
(**=Bkwd) appear instead of this function key.
F8 Forward Scrolls forward if there are more lines of information than can fit
on the screen. If you cannot scroll forward, two asterisks
(**=Fwd) appear instead of this function key.
F9 Retrieve Retrieves the last command from the DB2 or MVS console.
F10 Action bar Moves the cursor back and forth between the action bar and the
panel body.
F11 Logon Options Displays the Logon Options panel. (Only available from the Sign
On panel.)
F12 Cancel Exits panel without saving any data that was entered since you last
pressed Enter. Backs up one panel at a time.
F15 System Status Returns to the System Status panel.
F20 Repeat Repeats the last command from the DB2 or MVS console.