Customizing OMEGAMON II 51
Maintaining Profiles
Importing a Profile
You can import a profile by copying the partitioned dataset member into the profile. The
MVS Modify command for importing a profile is as follows:
Where PDSNAME is the name of the source partitioned dataset, MEMBER is the source
partitioned dataset member, and PROFILE is the target profile.
Exporting a Profile
You can export a profile by copying the profile to the target partitioned dataset member.
The MVS Modify command for exporting a profile is as follows:
Where PDSNAME is the name of the target partitioned dataset, MEMBER is the target
partitioned dataset member, and PROFILE is the source profile.
Deleting a profile
If you own a profile or have authorization, you can delete a profile that is no longer
needed. If you delete a profile that is currently active, sessions that were started with that
profile are not affected.
To delete a profile:
1. Typ e
D next to the profile you want to delete, and press Enter.
Result: The Delete a Profile window appears.
2. Select Delete Profile profile name, and press Enter. (You can not delete $DEFAULT.)
Result: The profile is deleted from the Profile Maintenance panel.
Modifying a profile description
If you own a profile or have authorization, you can modify the description of a profile on
the Profile Maintenance panel.
Delete a Profile
1.- Delete Profile TDTDA3A
2.- Do not delete profile