
Assigning User Authorities
48 OMEGAMON II for DB2 User’s Guide: CUA Interface, Version 540
Assigning User Authorities
The system administrator at your site has access to all user and subsystem profile
maintenance functions and can perform profile maintenance functions for other users.
The system administrator also can authorize other users to perform profile maintenance
The ID of the first person to log on to the CUA interface of OMEGAMON II automatically
becomes an authorized user. This person then can add other user IDs to the list as
Accessing user authorities
To access the Specify User Authorities pop-up window:
Select User Authorities from the Options pull-down menu.
Result: The Specify User Authorities window appears. Unauthorized users can view
this list, but cannot make any changes.
Adding a user
To assign user authority to an OMEGAMON II user:
Type the user ID and comment on the blank lines, and press Enter.
Result: The user ID is added to the list of users authorized to perform profile
maintenance functions for all profiles.
Deleting a user
To delete a user ID from the authorized user list:
Type D next to the ID you want to delete, and press Enter.
Result: The user ID is deleted from the list. This user is no longer authorized to
perform profile maintenance functions for all profiles.
Specify User Authorities
To add a new user type the ID, Comment and press ENTER.
D = Delete
Lines 1 to 4 of 4
ID Comments
-------- -------------------------------------------
________ ___________________________________________
F1=Help F12=Cancel **=Bkd **=Fwd