A management concept that divides large scale networks into groups for identifying
individual computers and users. The Internet is managed by classifying domains
according to geographical location or type (business, organization, educational
institution, etc.).
Dots Per Inch. A measure of screen and printer resolution that is expressed as the
number of dots that a device can print or display per linear inch.
Error Correction Mode. Reduces system and line errors when sending or receiving
from another fax machine with ECM capability. ECM divides a page into blocks and
inspects each block for data lost through poor transmission. If part of the data is
missing in a certain block, ECM retransmits that data from the beginning of the block
until it confirms that all the data within the block has been transmitted successfully. In
this way, ECM guarantees that a good image can be received at the receiving end.
ECM is very effective where the telephone lines are in poor condition. However, ECM
slows the transmission speed, and you may turn this mode off, if it is not needed.
Error lamp
The error lamp flashes red when a paper jam occurs or the machine has run out of
toner or paper.
File server
A personal computer or workstation to which two or more users on client personal
computers can gain access via a LAN (Local Area Network), to share and use its hard
disk drive.
A resolution mode for sending originals at twice the detail of the Standard resolution
File Transfer Protocol. A client-server protocol enabling a user to transfer files on one
computer to and from another computer over a TCP/IP network. The File Transfer
Protocol also governs the client program with which the user transfers files.