To recall a bar code from memory
1. While the BAR CODE menu is on the display, use u and i to move the
highlighting to “RECALL” and then press SET.
2. Use u and i to display the name of the bar code you want, and then press
SET to recall it.
3. Now you can make changes in the bar code and print it or store it as a new
bar code.
To delete a bar code from memory
1. While the BAR CODE menu is on the display, use u and i to move the
highlighting to “DELETE” and then press SET.
2. Use u and i to display the name of the bar code you want,and then press
SET to delete it.
3. Press SET to delete the bar code.
Part 11 Memory
This part of the manual tells you how to store text data in memory for instant
recall when you need it. You can store up to 4,000 characters in memory.
To store data
1. Input the text you want to store, and then
press MEMORY.
2. Use u and i to move the highlighting to “STORE” and then press SET.
3. Press SET to store the text in memory or ESC to abort the store procedure
without storing anything.
• The message “MEMORY FULL!” appears if memory is already full.
Recalling Text From Memory
There are two methods you can use to recall text: sequential search and char-
acter search. With sequential search, you scroll through memory contents until
you find what you want. With character search, you input up to eight characters
and the label printer searches through its memory to find them for you.
To recall memory text using sequential search
1. Press MEMORY.
2. Use u and i to move the highlighting to
“RECALL” and then press SET.
3. Press SET without inputting anything and the first item stored in memory
4. Use u and i to scroll through the items in memory until the one you want is
on the display.