Flash Disks and Flash Memory Cards in the GRP
Implementing Additional Configuration and Maintenance Tasks
Copying a Cisco IOS Software Image into Flash Memory Card or Flash Disk
You can copy a Cisco IOS software image into Flash memory; however, you must first format the Flash
memory card or Flash disk and make the image in the Flash memory card or Flash disk bootable. (If you
have not already done this, see the “Formatting a Flash Memory Card or Flash Disk” section on page 37
and the “Specifying Cisco IOS Image Used to Boot the System” section on page 39.)
Note If using an ATA Flash disk, replace any commands that include a slot0: or slot1: command argument
with a disk0: or disk1: command argument.
Before you copy a Cisco IOS software image, you must do the following:
• Install a formatted Flash memory card or Flash disk in your GRP.
• Have a bootable Cisco IOS software image in the onboard Flash memory so you can start the router.
• Ensure that the bootable Cisco IOS software image you want to copy to the Flash memory card or
Flash disk exists on a TFTP server to which you have access (meaning that you know its name and
can connect to it), and at least one interface is available to access this server. To ensure access to a
TFTP server, you need to configure one interface.
• Know the filename of the image you want to copy into the Flash memory card or Flash disk.
Use the following procedure to copy a bootable image into the Flash memory card or Flash disk:
Step 1 Boot the router and allow it to initialize.
Step 2 Enable the router and copy the image new.image to the Flash memory card or Flash disk in slot 0 using
the following series of commands:
Router> enable
Router# copy tftp:new.image slot0:new.image
20575008 bytes available on device slot0, proceed? [confirm]
Address or name of remote host []?
Loading new.image from (via Ethernet0):
[OK - 7799951/15599616 bytes]
In the preceding example, the exclamation points (!!!) appear as the file is downloaded, and the C
characters signify calculation of the cyclic redundancy check (CRC) value, which is a verification that
the file has been correctly downloaded to the Flash memory card or Flash disk. You must now reboot the