Crestron PAC2 Professional Automation Computer
To add a device to the system, expand the C2 Net-Device slot and double-click the
desired Net ID, or right click and select Add Item from the submenu. Then select the
device you want to add. Alternatively, you can drag the device from the Cresnet
Modules folder onto the Net ID.
In Program Manager, the C2Net-Device symbol contains no signals; to program a
controlled Cresnet device, expand the C2Net-Device symbol in Program View. Then
drag the device to Detail View.
Slot 7: C2I PAC2-Front Panel
The C2I-PAC2-Front Panel symbol represents internal hardware and is not user
Converting Programs and Modules Created for other
A useful feature of SIMPL Windows is to convert a program created for another type
of control system, simply by changing the target to a PAC2.
To do this you first open SIMPL Windows, then drag the PAC2 from the Control
Systems folder on the existing control system in System Views, drop it on top of the
existing control system, and click Yes when prompted to confirm the replacement.
If the program contains SIMPL+ or User modules, the conversion might generate
error messages. This is because modules and programs often contain symbols with
“ambiguous” signals. For example, the inputs of the Serial to Analog symbol can be
defined as either analog or serial. Although X-Series processors support ambiguous
signals, the 2-Series processor requires all signal types to be strictly defined.
If the program you want to convert contains SIMPL+ or User modules, Crestron
recommends that you first convert each module before converting the larger
program. In this way, the compiler can resolve any ambiguous signals in the modules
and minimize errors when the larger program is converted.
Converting SIMPL+ Modules
1. Open the SIMPL+ module you want to convert.
2. Choose the 2-Series processor as the target by clicking the toolbar
button, as shown in the following illustration.
SIMPL+ Toolbar
NOTE: You can select both X and 2-Series as the targets, so that the module will work
for both control system types. However, you will be limited to SIMPL+ keywords and
functions that are supported on both systems. If you do not choose a target, then the
module may or may not work, depending on the constructs that are used.
3. Save and compile the module by clicking the Save and Compile
toolbar button; alternatively, click Save and Compile on the Build
menu (or press F12).
Converting User Modules
1. Open the User module you want to convert.
Operations Guide – Doc. 5941 Professional Automation Computer: PAC2 • 35